Thursday, July 2, 2009

Canon Powershot G10 Real World Review

canon g10
Canon Powershot G10 Real World Review

Steve Huff has reviewed the new 14.7 megapixel Canon Powershot G10 - an update to the G9 - it features a wide angle 5x optical zoom lens with optical image stabilisation, RAW support, 3" screen, VGA video recording and ISO1600. The Canon G10 is available for £353:

"My first results were good, no issues, no problems. The lens did at times seem a little slow to me. As soon as you zoom a little you lose that 2.8 and most of my shots had to be taken at F4.5 or smaller. I have to be honest here. I MUCH prefer the little F2 lens in the Leica D-Lux 4 and if Canon comes out with a G11 they should add HD video and put in a faster lens."

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