Friday, July 3, 2009

Farrah Fawcett’s Funeral

farrah fawcett
Farrah Fawcett’s Funeral

Farrah Fawcett’s funeral is taking place at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in L.A. today.

Her son Redmond, 24, will be allowed to attend thanks to a Superior Court judge allowing him to do so. He will be able to wear plain clothes, but will be escorted by sheriff’s deputies. He is currently serving time for drug related charges. Afterwards he will head back to the clink.

Farrah died last Thursday after a long battle with anal cancer. She was 62.

I wonder if Ryan will show up to the funeral all geeked out. This guy reminds me of Joe Jackson a little bit - just more subtle. Probably because he’s an actor. Didn’t he treat Farrah like hell and get her all into coke? Oh yeah, and his son Redmond might be serving time, but from what I remember Ryan was busted with a little crystal meth at the same time his son was.

Maybe after Ryan realized Farrah was terminal he felt bad for the way he had treated her his whole life. But then again, maybe he also saw it as an opportunity, an opportunity to finance HIS drug habit. I’m not sure which, but I don’t trust this guy.

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