Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Google Voice gets Presence, Virtual Call Centers come into Play

Google Voice
Google Voice gets Presence, Virtual Call Centers come into Play

Earlier, I wrote how Google Voice can kill skype and redefine Unified communications. Here is the best example. OnState Communications has adopted Google voice for Virtual Call-Center services. They announced today that their cloud-based call center and PBX solutions will fully integrate with Google Voice, enabling customers to leverage full benefits of Google Voice. This support combines with existing Google Talk and Google Apps support as part of OnState’s virtual call center and PBX solutions, and allows Google users to retain all of the inherent product features while building upon them to improve customer-facing communications.

“With this new support, OnState allows you to turn Google Voice into a full-featured PBX or call center for a fraction of normal industry prices,” said Pat Kelly, CEO of OnState. “And while using Google Voice you can reap the benefits inherent to OnState, including multi-modal capabilities, business- and skills-based routing, seamless application integration, reporting and analytics, and our business presence capabilities.”

with OnState, now its possible for Businesses to add Google Voice, Google Talk, and even video chat to customer-facing communications, websites, and applications with OnState, and use their layer of abstraction of business presence to direct inbound inquiries to employees that can best serve the query based, independent of employee location or available in-use applications like PBX phones, Google Talk, Google Voice, PC phones, or mobile phones.

Currently, Google Voice is designed to facilitate personal communications, but is not well suited for customer-facing applications that allow a company to establish conversations based on business logic and job functions. Business presence layered on top of Google Voice and Google Talk helps companies extend the application to improve customer satisfaction and enhance worker productivity by connecting customers on the first attempt to the person who can best serve them.

In future, We expect google to play role in Enterprise sector by supporting ways to integrate into existing communications system that can suite Enterprises better. May be Google already ahs plans, first they want to test with the small sector, then they might get their hands into BIG market.

Benefits are clear, lower costs, more features at almost no new hardware.

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