Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jeff Goldblum: Not dead

goldblum dead
Jeff Goldblum: Not dead

Jeff Goldblum did not die in an accident while filming a movie in New Zealand, contrary to Internet reports.

They say famous deaths come in threes, but Jeff Goldblum was not part of this week's triumvirate. Farrah Fawcett died Thursday morning, followed by Michael Jackson in the afternoon, and once Google managed to recover from the shock to its system, Internet rumors that Goldblum had perished in some movie set mishap started to swirl.

A spokeswoman for Goldblum dispelled the rumors by evening; the actor best known for creeping us out in "The Fly" is "fine and in Los Angeles," according to E! Online.

There were also a popular search term for "Harrison Ford dead," but as far as we know, Indy is alive and well.

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