Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Moby Reacts To Walter Cronkite’s Death

walter cronkite
walter cronkite death

Moby checked in with fans on his blog at MySpace on Monday (July 20), commenting on the passing of veteran news anchor Walter Cronkite. Moby writes:

A few years ago I went to a dinner party to watch one of GW Bush’s State of the Union addresses and I was lucky enough to be seated near Walter Cronkite. We spoke a bit, and after the State of the Union address he offered his perspective on the address and on President Bush (Mr. Cronkite was diplomatic, but clearly not a fan of President Bush…).

Walter Cronkite was in many ways the voice of my mother’s generation. He was always balanced and fair and more interested in facts than opinions. Year after year he was voted ‘the most trusted man in America’, and for good reason. He was solid and stable and reliable and his dying yesterday is very sad indeed.

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