Thursday, July 9, 2009

Paris Jackson: Exploited or part of African-American 'homegoing' tradition?

paris jackson
paris jackson memorial

Tuesday, I was critical of Michael Jackson's family for encouraging Paris Jackson to speak publicly at her father's memorial service. To me, it felt like Paris Jackson was exploited. Some readers suggested I just didn't get it. One posted a comment explaining that among African-Americans, its common for children to speak at a parents' funeral as part of the "home going'' tradition.

As with many things racial in America, it seems that even parenting decisions are open for interpretation based on whether you're black or white. My position - and that of many other bloggers and commentators - was that Paris should have been kept from the spotlight, as it seems clear her father Michael Jackson had wanted for her. But if it was part of a homegoing ceremony, was it appropriate for Paris to speak out?

It's true that for a man who seems to have had a complicated relationship with his race, Michael Jackson's send-off was in the proud African American tradition, complete with gospel music and speeches from respected members of the community. As the blogger Jimi Izrael wrote, "If there was ever doubt that he was black, it's gone now." In that context it was beautiful, respectful and well done.

But my quibble was never with the service. Clearly it seems to have been cathartic for many, and a fitting tribute to an amazing entertainer. My issue was with the way Paris Jackson seems to have been encouraged and even prodded to reveal her face and voice to a billion people, throwing away the protection her father had so carefully created for her all her 11 years of life. Perhaps it is a tradition to honor the dead in homegoing, but then again, most homegoings are not televised into every country on the planet. Paris' words would have been fitting and appropriate at the private family ceremony that preceded the public memorial. In front of television cameras, it just felt like her private grief was being packaged for public consumption.

The best way to pay respect to Michael Jackson is to honor the things he held most dear, and that includes protecting his children from the limelight until they're old enough to decide what they want to do about it.

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