Monday, July 6, 2009

Police say woman with McNair bought gun

steve mcnair
Nashville police say a woman found shot to death with former NFL star Steve McNair recently purchased a gun, according to a report in The Tennessean newspaper.

Sahel Kazemi and the former Tennessee Titans quarterback were found dead on Saturday in a condominium owned by McNair.

Kazemi, 20, died Saturday of a single gunshot wound to the head alongside McNair, who had two gunshots to the head and two to the chest. The gun was found under Kazemi's body.

"We believe the pistol recovered from the apartment was purchased by Kazemi," police spokesman Don Aaron told The Tennessean.

Aaron said testing to determine if gunshot residue was present on Kazemi's hands has not yet been completed.

U.S. federal law prohibits anyone under 21 from purchasing a handgun.

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