Sunday, July 19, 2009

Swine Flu Symptoms and Precautions

swine flu symptoms
swine flu symptoms
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Swine flu influenza, also known as pig flu, finds its source in a host animal and it occurs through a virus known as the "swine influenza virus"(SIV). This SIV can be any one of the numerous viruses that is usually found in pigs. In 2009, the viruses that are discovered are the influenza C virus and sub categories of Influenza A virus- H1N1, H1N2, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3.

Pigs in the Mid-western parts of the United States, Mexico, Canada, and some European countries among many others are said to host the swine flu influenza virus.

Swine flu does not come from eating the meat of the animal, especially when it is properly cooked. However constant exposure to these animals is highly risky. People whose work involves spending significant time with pigs are at huge risk.

Swine flu symptoms are similar to those of the influenza virus- fever sensation, chill in the body, pain in the muscles, sore throat, etc.

The swine flu influenza of 2009 is an Influenza A virus that is a subtype of H1N1. It is yet to be found how this virus came to humans. The first case of this virus was found in the United States. However the virus seems to have also come from a farmer who came from Mexico. Research is still underway on the origins of this swine flu influenza virus.

Here are some precautionary measures to follow:

Stay indoors if you are suffering from sickness

Avoid getting close to people who are sick

Regularly wash your hands, particularly when you come from outside

Don't put your hands on your nose, eyes and mouth

Always cover your mouth or nose with a clean tissue when you are about to sneeze or cough

If it makes you feel safe, get a mask and wear it

In case you have a high fever, immediately call your doctor and get a test done to see if you have the swine flu virus. If you are diagnosed with swine flu, complete all the medication prescribed to you.

Other precautionary measures include wiping the doorknobs of your house with a disinfectant. If you have regular visitors to your house, request them to wipe their hands before coming in.

Staying clean and keeping your surroundings hygienic will keep you and your family safe. Whenever you go out, take care not to stand close to people who are coughing and sneezing. Always carry a tissue or scarf with which you can cover your mouth and nose.

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