Friday, August 7, 2009

Big Brother 11 Recap For August 6, 2009

big brother 11
big brother 11

Julie Chen greets us on tonight's live eviction episode of Big Brother 11. It is day 33 in the Big Brother house and with everyone playing for themselves and allies have become enemies and enemies have become friends. Julie tells us that the audience has been voting in record numbers to award the Power of Coup d'etate to one houseguest.

Michelle says that she was happy to leave the nominations as is because she wants to be assured that Ronnie will go home. Jordan tells us that she, Jeff, Kevin, and Michelle will vote Ronnie out. Ronnie says that he is afraid that he won't have the votes. Lydia is hoping that Ronnie will be evicted because he has lied and manipulated everyone in the house.

Michelle says that she has brain books all over the house, but she doesn't read as much as she should. Russell comes out and Jordan and Michelle say that they are talking about books. He believes that they are scheming, and he feels the need to figure out what is going down. He tells Michelle that he feels all by himself. Michelle says that Chima and Jessie and Natalie, when she was in the meetings said that they wanted to take you out along with Lydia and Kevin. A flashback is shown to prove it what she is saying. Russell is upset and adds that Chima was trying to backdoor him. Russell says that Chima is jealous of every girl who talks to him.

Big Brother 11 Fight TimeRussell takes it to Jessie and asks him if Chima ever said that. Jessie says that Chima has never once said that she would backdoor Russell. Jessie speaks to Natalie while Russell contemplates this information. Russell speaks to Chima and she asks for Michelle to come up. Michelle joins them and feels that this cannot be good. Chima repeats what Russell said. Michelle denies it. Michelle feels that she and Russell were good and is surprised that he took it to the house the things they said in confidence. The whole thing escalates into an argument and Chima believes that Michelle's denial is the truth and that Russell is lying. He tells Chima to get out and they leave with a loud and nearly physical argument. Chima calls him a liar and a rat. Rusell says that while you are loud, it doesn't make you right. Chima and Russell are separated by other houseguests, but their fight resumes.

Jeff and Jordan, as onlookers to the volatile argument, are very surprised at the intensity, and decide to stay out of it. Jordan comments that they were really in each other's faces. Jeff says that the house is crazy.

Julie tells us that all week long Ronnie has been laying low, but the timing is right and he moves to get his additional vote. He hopes that if he lays it on thick enough, Jordan might give him a sympathy vote, not knowing that Jessie, Natalie, and Chima are already planning to vote for him to stay. Ronnie informs Jessie and Natalie of his tactics.

Jeff has been interested in Jordan for the entire time they have been there and it is time for him to make his move. With Ronnie in the neighboring bed, Jeff uses the cover of darkness to give Jordan a kiss, but Ronnie farts and starts talking to them about getting them a vote. Jeff says that Ronnie is trying to work on them, and he is trying to work on Jordan. Jeff hopes that Ronnie goes home this week so that he can try again next week with Jordan. Jordan says that he is a good, not a wet, icky, kisser.

Julie questions the houseguests. She asks Jordan about the fight, and Jordan says that she just wanted to stay away. Michelle says that the house is divided and it is tense tonight with the eviction, and ready to fight for the HOH. Michelle says that it is never not crazy or neurotic. Julie asks Jessie if America's gift of squid and squash help him and he says that it helped for the first three days, and when Julie asks him if it made the slop taste any better, he says that he is a body builder, used to eating boring food and he could do it for longer than seven days.

Julie speaks to Russell. She comments that the giant explosion with Chima came unexpectedly and Russell says that things got heated up and ready to explode. Their relationship was the trigger and he has already apologized to her. Russell says that it is week five and everyone thanks her and tells her she looks beautiful. Russell says that he is very loyal to both Jessie and Jeff. He wants to see how far he can go before he has to make a decision between them.

Jeff wins coup d'etatWith more than 12 million votes cast, Jeff is the winner of the coup d'etate. Jeff is in shock and says wow! This power will be gifted to him for two weeks, and may be used to replace either one or both of the nominations for eviction in either tonight's or next week's eviction ceremonies. He says that it is crazy, awesome, exciting, and he thanks America. He says that we see what is going on and he thanks us for helping him. Julie tells the other houseguests that the power has been granted and it has been awarded. Julie asks if the winner of the coup d'etate would like to use it, to please stand now.

Lydia says that she feels blessed and to use the vote wisely, and hopefully to keep him in the house. Ronnie says that he wants to thank anyone who had anything to do with him being on the show. He adds that being in the show has been an absolute dream for him. Ronnie thanks Jessie for his assistance in losing 20 pounds while in the Big Brother 11 house. He tells the other houseguests that they are amazing and his wife has always told him to look for the good in people. He says that he could say many things, but he is only going to say the truth. He tells Michelle that through her actions in this game she is the worst human being he has ever had the misfortune of meeting and he really feels sorry for her. Julie comments that he most likely isn't getting her vote now.

Julie asks for the votes:
Kevin votes to evict Ronnie.
Natalie votes to evict Lydia.
Chima votes to evict Lydia.
Jessie votes to evict Lydia.
Michelle votes to evict Ronnie.
Jeff votes to evict Ronnie.
Jordan votes to evict Ronnie.

By a vote of 4-3 Ronnie is evicted from the Big Brother house. Ronnie stands and hugs Lydia, shakes Jeff's hands, hugs Jordan and Chima and Kevin and Jessie and Russell. Ronnie says that it is a game and to play it hard and play to win. Michelle says that she never had any ill will towards him and he yells, "Be quiet! Scheme!" Ronnie goes out to the cheering audience and the houseguests watch his picture go black.

Julie asks why he went off on Michelle. Ronnie says that she has no loyalty to anyone but herself, she pretended to be loyal to him, but she flipped on him when he was nominated. Julie asks if that could also be said of him, and he answers that it might be a little bit true, but that he has a loyalty to Jessie, Natalie, and Chima. He said that the only thing that mattered to him was actions, so a vote to keep him would have cleared it. He admits that he tried to put the vice to her and squeeze her a little bit to get her vote when logic didn't prevail.

Ronnie's goodbye messages: Kevin says that he must be hating that he got kicked out before them. Russell is not sad to see him go. Chima says that he is an awesome guy. Michelle says that she hates him as he lied to her and that she is happy to see him kicked out the door. Jessie is sad to see him go and knows that he was loyal.

Julie shares the messages that were sent in from viewers that were aired the previous night in the house. One tells them to look to the right and to the left to see liars, a song airs about friends for life, and a rap is sent, as well as others. Julie announces that it is time for the Head of Household Competition. The competition is "Say What?" They will get a series of questions based on the messages sent the previous night. A correct answer is necessary to stay in the game. The questions will be true and false and will pertain to those messages. The questions are:

The singer of the song "Friends for Life" said we are gonna kiss and make up. True. Michelle and Lydia are out.
One caller advised the houseguests to wait 30 min before getting into the pool. True. All correct.
Bridget advised them to stop lying. False. Jessie is out.
One caller advised them to not throw stones in the Big Brother house, but eat tuna. False. Jordan and Jeff are out.
One rapper advised that one wrong move and you ain't gettin a dime. Kevin and Natalie are wrong. Chima is head of household.

Big Brother 11 - Chima wins HoHChima is excited and says that it is amazing to be Head of Household. Chima thanks Ronnie for having a study group that helped her win. Chima says that she is grateful to have the power and the safety. She is looking forward to having lotion. Julie mentions the California sun.

Julie has a minute to ask viewers questions to the houseguests.

Lydia: A viewer wants to know what she would tatoo on her body as a Big Brother memory. Lydia responds a key with an 11 on it and Kevin's name as he is her sugar baby.
Kevin: Who needs a makeover the most. Kevin says Natalie.

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