Saturday, August 8, 2009

Steven Tyler recovering from Sturgis spill

steven tyler
steven tyler falls

A celebrity icon of the motorcycle world brought an unexpected excitement to the 69th Annual Sturgis Rally and an unknown to a rock bands upcoming tour.

Aerosmith front man, Steven Tyler fell from the stage during his performance at the Buffalo Chip Campground as he sung 'Love In an Elevator'.

The injury has put the the fate of the band's current tour up in the air.

Falling into the crowd after spinning on the stage in typical Tyler fashion, the singer was caught by watching fans. Collected by security and taken back stage Tyler was flown to Rapid City Regional Hospital.

Later, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry came out to tell the audience Tyler was being taken to the hospital and that the show would not go on.

Steven Tyler, 61, not only appears at major motorcycle events around the country, but participates in them as well.

The lead singer regularly joins the Toys in the SFPC Christmas Sun Toy Run in Fort Lauderdale Florida, considered one of the largest such events. He also has his own line of bikes, Dirico Motorcycles.

According to the wife of Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, Tyler is back at his hometown in Boston recovering from his injuries. Reportedly Joe Perry told a Rockford radio station Friday that he's not sure whether his band will resume its summer tour as singer Steven Tyler recovers from injuries after a fall from a South Dakota stage Wednesday.

"We still don't know if we're going to keep the tour up or what," Perry said during an in-studio interview at WXRX-FM. "It's breaking my heart."

As for Tyler, his wife gave his condition with updates on the popular social networking tool, Twitter.

'He hit his head and back. No concussion, stitches in head n back near shoulder. Broken shoulder,' Billie Perry wrote, 'Yes he is very sore. We were all worried.'

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