Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yo-Yo Ma, Domingo to perform at Kennedy funeral

yo yo ma
yo yo ma

BOSTON — Cellist Yo-Yo Ma and tenor Placido Domingo will perform at the funeral Mass for Sen. Edward Kennedy.

The Rev. Philip Dabney, associate pastor of Boston's Mission Church, says Saturday's service will be a "regular Catholic funeral" — with superb music.

In addition, there will be a contingent from the Boston Symphony Orchestra and mezzo-soprano Susan Graham.

Several clergy members will be on hand. The Rev. Donald Monan, the chancellor of Boston College, will be the principal celebrant.

The Rev. Mark Hession of Our Lady of Victories Parish on Cape Cod will delivery the homily, and Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley will lead the final prayers of commendation.

President Barack Obama will delivery the eulogy.

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