Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hurricane Jimena path - San Diegans may be in store for interesting weekend

hurricane jimena path
hurricane jimena path

Those San Diegans planning on doing some beach camping this weekend may be in for some big waves, big winds, and possibly big rains with hurricane Jimena currently looming off the Baja California coastline. Already Mexican residents have begun evacuating the peninsula or hunkering down for the oncoming storm by boarding windows and lashing down belongings.

According to a Public Advisory issued at 1100am by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Hurricane Jimena is located approximately 110 miles southwest of Cabo San Lucas.

Jimena is a category 4 storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale with winds around 135 mph with higher gusts at times. The hurricane is heading north-northwest at approximately 12 mph and is expected to continue on this course for the next couple days.

It is unclear at this time what effect the storm will have on Southern California. Although firefighters fighting the Station Fire in Los Angeles could certainly use some help from fighting that blaze.

Anyone planning on heading to the beach this Labor Day weekend should expect larger surf height at the least and come prepared with wet weather gear.

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