Thursday, September 3, 2009

'I Pledge' Video Causes Controversy

i pledge video

A few days ago, kids in a Utah elementary school gathered 'round a TV to watch a PSA video. On it, a collection of well-meaning celebrities like Cameron Diaz, Dakota Fanning, and Ashton Kutcher said "I pledge" to do everything from smile at neighbors to help find a cure for Alzheimer's disease.

But the real zinger came near the end of the video when an argyle-clad Demi Moore says she pledges to be a servant to our president. Some parents who found out about the video and its message were a bit perturbed at the content being shown to their kids in a public school. And since then, the story and the video have blown up in Buzz.

Searches on "i pledge video" are up 1,675% and related lookups on "i pledge obama" surged 250% in just a day. TV stations and blogs have also jumped on the story. Fox 13 out of Utah interviewed parents and Gayle Ruzika of the Utah Eagle Forum. Ms. Ruzika said parents should have been forewarned about the video's tone and content.

The principal, who says she didn't see the video before it was shown, has since apologized to parents and sent out a letter. Whether that quells the outrage over Demi Moore's pledge remains to be seen. Below, you can see the video for yourself...

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