Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bristol's Ex Knocks Palin

sarah palin
palin runners world

Levi Johnston, ex-boyfriend and baby-daddy to Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol, has put his would-be mother-in-law on the defensive by saying that the Alaska governor hastily abandoned her position in order to cash in on fame. "[She] had talked about how nice it would be to take some of this money people have been offering us and just run with it, and saying forget everything else," said the 19-year-old during a news conference in Anchorage.

Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton suggested, and we're paraphrasing, that Johnston's story is a deeper stretch than those the former VP candidate demonstrated in a recent Runner's World photo shoot. "It is interesting to learn that Levi is working on a piece of fiction while honing his acting skills," said Stapleton, mocking Johnston, who is apparently considering cash-in options of his own by taking meetings with book and movie rainmakers.

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