Saturday, July 11, 2009

Google's Chrome OS could make cloud computing 'real'

google chrome
os google

Cloud computing may be ready for prime time with the announcement this week that Google will be unveiling its own operating system next year which one expert says is "custom built for the cloud."

In his column for InfoWorld, Neil McAllister writes that when people look back at Google's announcement of Chrome OS people will see it as "the moment when cloud computing finally became real."

McAllister notes that this might be the beginning of what he dubs the "invisible PC" where computer users are not tied to a desktop or operating system and applications are instead based on the web.

It would appear that Chrome OS is truly the first operating system built with cloud computing in mind. When Google announced its new operating system this week the company said that it would begin by targeting the increasing netbook population - computers which have limited memory and are therefore much better suited for working in the cloud.

On its official blog, Google seemed to point out how important the web will be to the new operating system, mentioning that users of Chrome OS will be able to be on "the web in a few seconds" after startup.ADNFCR-2178-ID-19258991-ADNFCR

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