Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sarah Palin still popular, says poll, despite quitting as Alaska Governor

sarah palin
sarah palin

Could Sarah Palin still run for President? You betcha!

Although some pundits and talk show hosts have pronounced her career dead, a new poll suggests Republicans still love Palin as a presidential candidate for 2012.

According to a new USA Today/Gallup poll, 19 percent of voters would "very likely" vote for her if she ran, with another 24 percent saying they were "somewhat likely" to give her their vote, despite that fact she quit her job as Alaska governor last week.

"For independents and Democrats, she's already not their candidate, and with Republicans, her support is not based on her record as governor of Alaska," Republican consultant Alex Castellanos told USA Today.

According to the poll, 70 percent said their opinion of Palin did not change after the shocking announcement she would resign on Friday.

But much of her support is based on her national status gained on the campaign trail with John McCain in 2008, not her position as the top politican of remote Alaska.

It should be no surprise that Palin's support comes mostly from Republicans. Seventy-two percent say they would support her for President in 2012, while 70 percent of Democrats said they were "not at all likely" to vote for her at all.

Palin's support isn't just limited to a run for the White House. Thirty-nine percent of Americans say she is in a strong position to pick the next Republican candidate, including 67 percent of Republicans and 18 percent of Democrats.

Thirty-four percent of independents could also see Palin serving as king-maker.

The news media has often been critical of the 45-year-old former beauty queen, something Palin has complained about repeatedly. And according to the poll, 53 percent said coverage of her has been "unfairly negative," while 28 percent said it was "about right."

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