Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Glenn Beck on Obama's hatred of white people, white culture

glenn beck
glenn beck fox

"Obama has a hatred of white people, of white culture" claims FOX analyst Glenn Beck. FOX, the right wing, conservative news organization, immediately put distance between the network and their employee. Beck is known for being silly and outrageous, making a living off of pandering to the right wingnuts, tin foil hat wearing lunatics looking for Obama's birth certificate and screaming alternately that Obama is a "socialist" and Obama is a "fascist", the vast majority being unable to explain the meaning of either word.

Beck's shtick is nothing new. Pandering to the lowest common denominator, appealing to the low brow, knuckle dragging crowd, is a common tactic of those lacking talent or intellect (see Rush Limbaugh). Indeed, FOX news is nothing but an appeal to the low brow, knuckle dragging crowd, Americans who long for a past that never existed and fear a future that is all ready present.

Yet even FOX has backed away from Beck's reckless slander.

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