Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mark Lester photos, his rubbish claim of fathering Paris

mark lester
mark lester jackson

Mark Lester photos, his rubbish claim of fathering Paris. Now there is one more man who says he fathered Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris. Paris came in for special praise from all around for her composure and for her tribute to her father Michael Jackson during his memorial service in LA.

Michael Jackson’s daughter moved people to tears at his memorial service. The Memorial service, the grandest, anyone has seen in recent past was moved to tears when Michael Jackson’s daughter forced herself to speak a few sentences.

And the words could not be better. No child of her age could have given a better parting tribute to her father.

Her words also stunned the audience, silenced her relatives and within no time everyone was weeping like her.

Michael Jackson’s 11 year old daughter Paris who was persuaded to speak in the memorial said, “I just want to say, ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine, and I just wanted to say I love him so much”.

There is no denying the fact that this was the best tribute paid to the departed soul from any one. I

Mark Lester, an old friend of Michael Jackson has claimed that he fathered Paris as he had donated his sperm to Jacko. He claims he did it free as a service to his friend.

Reports say that according to Lester Jackson was so disturbed that he couldn’t have sex so he sought to have children through artificial insemination. When his own sperm wouldn’t work, he asked Lester to make a donation to the cause.

Lester says, “Michael found it very difficult to have relationships with women. He became very scared, and found it so disturbing he couldn’t perform. Michael wasn’t gay. But I’d say he was asexual. In 1996 Michael asked me if I would give him my sperm and I said yes. It was a gift to him, no money was paid. It was something I was honoured to do. He wanted children so badly”.

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